Customer Testimonials

What our customers say

Maxinet has been very easy to deal with from the outset. The initial sales process helped us to determine the best product for our needs. Initial setup was painless and when needed the support desk was easy to deal with. Maxinet has been stable, no fuss and problem free.

Matthew Barbic

Skin & Cancer Foundation Australia

It's rare these days to find a company with customer service as good as Maxinet's. The phone is answered quickly and by a real person! Maxinet has taken the time to understand our business and recently donated a laptop for our annual fundraiser. We recommend Maxinet without hesitation.


Hawkesbury River Child Care

Into Images/iDigital Australia, is a graphics & digital services company with customers from around the globe. We are heavily reliant on a dependable Internet Service Provider. We have worked closely with Maxinet for over 10 years & found them to provide a fast, reliable & secure level of service that is tailored to our needs. We confidently recommend Maxinet and their range of services.


Into Images / iDigital Australia

Scope Features Australia has been a customer of Maxinet for over 4 years and during this time, Vin and his team have always been very courteous and quick to address any issues that arise. The internet and phone service has always been highly reliable which gives me great confidence to continue using their services. I would recommend Maxinet for any business looking for high speed internet and phone services for a reasonable price. 


Scope Features

Maxinet, were professional and knowledgeable, from early discussions through to connection and beyond. They presented realistic options and delivered what they promised, keeping us up to date throughout the process, all but eliminating any down time and loss of business. We looked at many different solutions and providers and none could come close to Maxinet.



Maxinet's internet is fast, reliable and competitively priced. However my most recent experience when we arrived to work to find the internet down, this really showed your level of customer service which was great. Customer Service was extremely helpful as well as your technician who came out quickly and fixed the problem. The test of any customer service team is what they do when things go wrong! I would definitely recommend Maxinet to other businesses.


Icon Australia

When everyone was, and still is chasing the cheap rates and thereby changing their ISP so often, we at SHE Security & Investigations saw the need to maintain a solid working relationship at a fair price with a reputable and reliable Internet Service Provider.

Maxinet has delivered exactly this to us since 1998. Few ISP services would offer the one on one assistance to almost any problem a client brings to them, yet this is exactly what Maxinet have done for SHE on so many occasions.

The choices of whom to choose to provide one's Internet needs is limitless; but large or small as an entity, SHE Security & Investigations happily vouches for Maxinet's ability to fill those needs and provide the backup when it's required


SHE Security & Investigations

If we do have an issue I am always cheered by being able to deal directly with the team at Maxinet and not spend lengthy time on hold only to get through to a faceless person in a call centre who does not know our circumstances. In most cases, I have been able to deal with the same person at Maxinet who takes accountability and follows things through to resolution. They have even been able to help with tech issues that are not really their responsibility. The personal service and reliability of service has always given us peace of mind.


Patmack Consulting

I have been working with Maxinet since 1998 and have been supremely satisfied with the service provided to help my business grow. I have recommended Maxinet to fellow business owners and vendors.


Oriental Book Distributors